Wednesday, January 15, 2025
January 15, 2025
Video coming soon
Content can make or break a customer’s experience with a brand. As such, it continues to be the most important thing a brand can produce, next to a product or service. With the amount of turbulence organizations face with consumer uncertainty, artificial intelligence and its impact on content overall, along with other issues regarding efficiency, costs, and internal morale, what do you need to know to be successful in developing and delivering the most effective content for your customers? We will discuss:
You will learn which trends and issues you should be aware of, as you navigate content challenges into 2025.
Kevin is Executive Director, Experience at AvenueCX. He is an award-winning thought leader, digital industry expert, and author with more than 26 years of professional experience. He was a key contributor to creating MIT OpenCourseWare, grew one of the largest content strategy teams in the world at SapientNitro and has worked on content for dozens of global brands.
At AvenueCX, Kevin applies his passion for content to his work with global brands to improve their overall content and customer experiences. He is author of Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide and co-author of UX for Dummies. Kevin is also the chair of the Content Strategy Alliance Best Practices initiative.
Kevin started his career in user experience, and so it is no surprise that he loves helping to create strong customer content experiences. He also loves it when brand and business experience meet the customer and serve her needs effectively. Kevin has always seen the role of content in business initiatives such as personalization and omnichannel as essential. Working with large brands over the years, Kevin has seen when strategy is effective and when it is not. At AvenueCX, Kevin takes his passion about content and works with global brands to improve their overall content and customer experiences. He is the author of Enterprise Content Strategy: A Project Guide and co-author of UX for Dummies. Kevin is also the chair of the Content Strategy Alliance Best Practices Initiative.